Wednesday 22 February 2012

Memoirs of insomnia 1

Love has made me happy, made me feel invincible, on top of the world  and made me see colour in everything I see
Love has taught me about the complexities of life, made me gain wisdom far beyond what I had imagined
Love has deceived me, abused me, used me and sucked every ounce of life I had until I was an empty shell
Love has so many times made me forget who I was, it turned me into someone I had vowed I would never become
Love has brainwashed me, like a political propagandist, it  made me believe all the lies it sold me about happy endings and being inlove
Like a lamb to the slaughter I sheepishly followed until....
Love hurt me!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

La Familia!

I have been blessed with a great family, sisters that have been with me through thick n thin. A brother that makes me appreciate the little things in life. Parents that love and care for us dearly and sisters that are my best friends. Not forgetting my little boy, he is my everything! Enjoy!!!

Me and the love of my life Oarona Thando Pholo, the apple of mommy's eye!

Oarona and my brother Motebang, the "man of the house"

My older sister and fashionista Sandiswa Lineo Mahlangabeza.

My sister and my nieces Sinokholo Bokamoso "Snowy, Snowflake" Mahlangabeza and Agcobile Marang "AG the terrorist" Mahlangabeza. Makazi's gems.

Last but not least my lil sissy Limakatso "Dee" Pholo, she now stays in JHB. I miss her wisdom and quirky remarks to everything.

That's my familia in a nutshell!!!

Love them to bits

Monday 20 February 2012

memoirs of insomnia

I can only sit here and dream
Dream of butterflies, cotton candy and clear blue skies
Dream of what coulda, shoulda, woulda
But I cant, I gotta make things happen for myself
See, I am not the type that takes things as they come
I had mapped out my path, put all my ducks in a row
Like a ship without a rudder, Im sitting here, thinking, plotting scheming
I need light, I need direction, I gotta know where I am going
I gotta do this, I need to do this!
I hope my courage doesnt fail me....

Friday 17 February 2012

Allow me to introduce myself

uhm, ja where do I start?
oh ja, I have been wanting to do this for a while now, in my hey day I used to document everything. My hopes, dreams, fears and everthing else that I found interesting. After a very long time and many life lessons I have decided to move on with the times and start a blog!So I will be posting stuff as regularly as I can and I cannot wait to get started.
Here goes nothing......

All my love,
